3-D areola tattooing is used to help individuals restore breasts to their natural form through the process of “micro pigmentation,” or “tattooing.” After undergoing a mastectomy, and breast/nipple reconstructive surgery, realistic dimensional looking areolas and nipples can be created through this form of art.
If you are thinking about undergoing this procedure, here are some things to expect at your appointment and the healing to follow. You will likely do a consultation prior to this appointment either via email or in person. The shape, size, and color will all be discussed. Photos should be sent via email, or will be taken in person. The day of, a simple drawing will be outlined on the breast in the place and size discussed. The dimension and detail will be done during the actual tattooing procedure. More often than not there should be no pain or very minimal pain in the reconstructed breast. We do have topical anesthetic if there is some discomfort. When your 3-D areola tattoos are completed, you will leave with a dressing on. Laura will provide you with your aftercare instructions as well as the recommended ointment to apply for the healing process. There is no down time to undergoing this procedure, aside from avoiding vigorous exercise for a few days, as well as avoiding soaking in the tub, jacuzzi, pools, etc. A follow up appointment will be scheduled so that your artist can see the healed result and make any minor adjustments that may be desired at that time.
Laura works with The Sauler Institute through a program as a selective artist to provide individuals who qualify to provide free areola tattoos. Please email for more information on how to apply
As with any procedure done at La Marie Brow Club, if you have any specific medical questions as to being a good candidate or ready to undergo 3-D areola tattooing, please consult with your doctor as we are not able to medically advise you. This is especially important with clients that have undergone nipple reconstructive surgery to be sure the area is healed proper and ready.